Great article! But are you really "asexual" because you want to have an emotional attachment with someone (i.e. love them or really like them a lot) before you have sex? (I always worry that some Freudian psychologist or not-religious nut is going to take most people and label them abnormal for not wanting to have commitment-free, "casual" sex.) A funny article and you may be tempted to click on the "asexual umbrella" link. Yes I do think that being under that umbrella is one of the reasons why some people are and remain NMNK.
EXCERPT: Asexuality remains poorly understood by the public at large, and includes a broad spectrum of orientations; some asexual people feel no sexual attraction toward others and may be averse to sex, while others who feel no sexual attraction may still happily have sex with their partners. Other aces (the umbrella term for those on the asexual spectrum) like Cutler identify as gray asexual or demisexual, meaning they sometimes feel sexual attraction once they develop an emotional connection with someone. Some may want romance but not sex; others fall on the aromantic spectrum, meaning they sometimes or never feel romantic attraction. For those who do feel romantic attraction (to men, women, or any combination of genders), that’s where online dating comes in.