MAY 2021 THE DIVORCE IS STILL NOT OVER. I think Angelina is dragging it out to keep Brad in her life!
The Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie divorce is hot in the news, and I've been reading around it. It seems there is a major difference in these two when it comes to their own childhoods and parenting styles. Brad grew up with discipline. Angelina, according to certain articles I read, was even allowed AT THE AGE OF 14 to have sex in their own home by her mother; the star says she was going to have her way and her mother preferred she have it at home than some other place. Other articles say that the six children these two will be effecting by their divorce, three who were adopted, and three born of the couple, each have a nanny, have been tutored and traveled the world but never spent a day in school, and are, well, BRATS.
Frankly, I've been sick of Jolie for a long time for a lot of reasons but I'll stick with her desire to be seen as the world's best mother, her motivation for having the innards of her breasts removed and later the removal of her ovaries, because she's convinced she will die young like her own mother. Unlike one British publicist who has written that Jolie should have settled down and been a wife to Brad rather than a globe-trotting activist and careerist (who supposedly wants to live in England, give up her citizenship, and follow in the footsteps of Lady Diana), because she stole Brad Pitt from Jennifer Aniston, I have nothing in particular against a woman having high career aspirations. But I do have it against people who have children, DO NOT SOCIALIZE THEM, have them and do not want to PERSONALLY TAKE CARE OF THEM, and who basically use their children to THEIR OWN EGO ADVANTAGE.
Granted the Jolie-Pitts are very wealthy, and they can afford to do world travel, have nannies, and tutors. However, it is up to the parents to oversee that their staff brings up all the children consistently and socialized, which means in sync with the way people treat other people in this world.
I do not think all children are brats. And, as I've said in this BlogSpot before, not personally wanting or having children doesn't mean I cannot have an opinion on what it takes to have children, what they deserve, and how they should be raised.
I've encountered more than one lousy, spoiled, brat in my life - other people's children. These brats didn't have the effect of making me not want children. They had the effect of my stepping aside the parents.
To discipline a child does not require abusing them physically or otherwise.
For instance, one of my professors in college had one of those bothersome mandatory potlucks at the end of the semester. This woman was not a single mother, though her husband was nowhere in sight at the potluck. Her children were running all over the place, and one of them struck me with a long plastic dagger, which could have blinded me. I said, "You're kid just struck me with that." The professor said, "She always does that." Was I to say, "Could you mind your bratty child and discipline them that they should not use their toys to possibly injure someone?" She was giving me grades.
In a work situation, a twelve-year-old son of the business owner, studying for his Bar Mitzvah yet, came in and with his hands on his hips, told me how I work for HIM and bla bla bla. They just stood there and let him talk to me this way. I hear the kid has grown up to be a doctor. I wonder how bad a parent he is.
One of my friends with a high powered and exhausting career, married and had two children, but her husband cheated on her and they divorced. His willingness to parent was not remarkable, he was mostly the absent father who stood up the kids when he was supposed to be seeing them. However, the kids took full advantage of the situation and their nanny didn't dare discipline them, and when I came to visit or called, they were selfish and demanding, screaming and yelling, and at best negotiating for material rewards for activities such as doing their homework. They defied her every wish that they not have friends in the house when she wasn't home. Last I heard from her, she realized that "professional help" was needed; therapists.
So Angelina Jolie was and is a SPOILED BRAT herself, and her idea of parenting is that an adult cannot tell a child what to do, can never get angry, can never tell them off. And she wants to use Brad's anger that he felt with their oldest son, a young teenager, against him in the divorce.
I hope by some miracle that the six children of this union turn out to be adults who can get along with others from all walks of life and know how to share, rather than egotistical, demanding materialistic and greedy. If they are truly as has been reported, it will take a miracle.
Contrast this with the reports of the children of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who have been seen using an active listening technique to discipline and teach their royal children to behave.
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