

Sister here! 

Although I know we can decide at any time to make resolutions, or new goals, I'm probably like you.  I look to the new year to be the time to start. 

I was reading that the number one goal of Americans is to loose weight (especially the weight recently acquired due to holiday over eating!)  Well, I could probably loose ten pounds, but I'm not worrying over it.  Overall I'm satisfied with my life.

Sure there are a few things I'd like to do that I'm not.  I'd like more time and energy and money.  (Are you laughing with me?) 

Hmm.  What to do first?

Today I'm thinking about the people who swear they are going to redesign their entire lives.  Basically, they are unhappy with just about everything.  Thus the whole life makeover in contemplation!

If your life as a NMNK is not happy, and you know the source of that unhappiness is that you ARE a NMNK, well, you may be able to focus on getting married and/or having a child.  Being more traditional than many, I think the married should come first.  However, some of you may have 8 days in your week, extreme energy and loads of money in the bank as well as a huge extended family that provides free child care or raising the child in a "village."  (Woops!  I forgot to mention easy fertility!)

Most people I know are very busy earning a living and feel that they do not have enough time to focus on themselves. They scramble to get things done on work nights so that once in a while they can take an entire weekend and go out of town.  Make that scramble and lie to their boss about being sick on a Friday, so they can take off 3 whole days in a row!  (Some people love to travel alone too!)

Sometimes it seems to me that economics - money - earning it - spending it - having enough - feeling that we have enough - is the key issue for the majority. 

But I have to ask. DO YOU DREAD MONDAY?

It's easy to say to someone quite young that they can just change jobs and be done with the bad boss, or the bad business, or whatever.  Not so easy for most people. It's true that a NMNK may be totally unencumbered with the issue of having to support other people, though some are caregivers for their parents.

When it comes right down to it, what is the one thing that you want that will make all the difference in your life?

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