I'll admit it. Since I'm NEVER MARRIED NO KIDS - Childless by Choice - though I don't think too many women can chose to be single mothers responsibly - I know very little about schools in my city.
I've never had to move to be in a better school district. I've never had to negotiate the private versus public versus charter schools dilemma. I've never had to personally worry about the quality of education any child of mine might have. I've never had to have a child tested for learning disabilities. Or wonder how they might make it physically to a school. Or if they got along with their school peers. I never had to be part of a carpool to get children to events or sports. I can't imagine how frazzled I'd be having all this to deal with on top of everything I already deal with.
However, there's a perception out there that NMNK do not like or care about children. Some don't but few people live a totally child-free existence. If you're the member of a family, likely someone has children. You may be an honorary aunt or uncle. And you may still care about children because they are the next generation.
There are so many child and school related issues to vote about, I urge you to study them. Decisions such as who to vote for on a school board - ask a teacher or parents in your neighborhood what they think. Funding for Covid rehab projects: I guess we can't afford not to go into debt over this.
The children in my neighborhood are all seemingly moping around. Heck, I've been moping around too. They have had months of no school. Some parents have been able to home school. Others are not home or not qualified. You can ride your bike alone for only so long without wanting other kids to ride along with. You can skip birthday parties or be part of a car caravan - but hey, it's getting B O R I N G and there is worry in the air. Will a generation be far behind in school? In 18 years will colleges have trouble attracting enough students, if they are still in existence.
Already the rate of births is way down. People who want children but are facing economic uncertainty are waiting to purposely have children. This is noble of them.
Children really do need a whole lot.
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