

Alas, today is MOTHER's DAY, and along with FATHER'S DAY coming up next month, it is a day to celebrate those who PARENT.

Well, if you are here on this earth you probably had a MOTHER and if she was a good mother then sure, you should acknowledge her today - as well as her birthday.

But for NMNK's under pressure to procreate by their own mothers, fathers, families, because these people are traditional, conservative, religious, or simply think that's how life is done, today is just one more day in which a person can be put down for being unconventional, not ready, aging out, or simply not being "lucky" which means fertile.

For those who are faulted for not bearing a child or bringing another soul into this very overpopulated, often starving, world, let me remind you to remind THEM that this does not mean you are not a nurturing person, and that in fact you may be or will be caregiving, in particular caregiving your own parents.

I want to point this out because those hostile to a NMNK lifestyle often find fault with our character, personality, values, more so than our possibly uncooperative bodies.

When I hear about a parent who thinks their children owe them grandchildren it makes me crazy.  Some of these grand parents need to figure out something else worthwhile to do with their own retirements. 

1 comment:

Mason Duede said...

thanks for another excellent post - actually we should abolish "mo-father" days and instead celebrate NMNK who, in fact, make a tangible statement about where the human population should be heading if there is to be any hope of saving everthing else on this earth which is not a part of the "human sphere" - kind regards, Mason