A few months ago I attended a presentation about a pre-paid cremation service. You prepay the amount, carry a card with you, and there's a very good chance the company will last as long as you do or forever.
The cost is low because there is no viewing, no funeral home, no gravesite, no tombstone, and you're burned up into ashes close to where you drop. Then the ashes are send to the person you identify on your paperwork.
Part of the selling is about, not only cost, but the way pre-planning for your own dead body is actually responsible behavior that lessens the scramble for money to even have a funeral and, it could be argued, makes the grief of your loved ones so much more bearable for them.
And it's true your death could happen at any time.
We are especially upset when someone dies unexpectedly in an accident and young.
Having been quoted unaffordable amounts to do things the old fashioned way, I can't help but think that the funeral business has become increasingly greedy and manipulative. No way in hell would I want to spend $25,000 or more to be drained of my blood, made up, put on view, stuck in a casket, and lowered into a cement chamber beneath the earth. I also don't want a burial at sea.
I have never dealt with ashes.
I don't know anyone who wants to deal with my ashes.
So I may go for this deal.
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