Damn! I'm so glad I have this blog to rant on.
By the way, I'm fine.
I was listening to a talk show on the radio, station KFI, for a short while the other day. The hosts (men) actually were talking against people who do not have marriages and families. These men are conservative over all, however, what I was hearing was disgusting.
I THOUGHT, what if every NMNK person who reads this called the station and said that this anti singleton, anti childless by choice rhetoric is bigotry and discrimination. ???
These men were trying to figure out what kind of people indulge themselves in violent protests.
I'll admit that not having a spouse or partner or children to think of
might make a person feel that if they get hurt physically or die or get arrested and make themselves unemployable, it wouldn't hurt those people. But just about everyone has some family - is a child or parents, a sibling, has nieces or nephews, had friends, or is connected to others in some way.
Some people are better at loving humanity than individuals.
Some find working and raising a family so exhausting they have nothing left to give when it comes to volunteer work, civic duties, or any form of protest.
I myself am NMNK and do not regret it. I have never been involved in any violent protests. I actually think protests may be ineffective, especially because there are so many ways to use the e-media to get your opinions out there and voice heard.
If you are truly independent, not able to count on anyone but yourself for financial support, you're going to think about becoming unemployable.
These talk show hosts are simply out of touch with reality.
They're especially out of touch with women who have put their careers first as if you look into it you're going to see that for the first generations of feminists many did not have children because career building took all they had and they knew it.
Never have a child to prove to anyone that you are "normal."