Sister here: Let me tell you about a casual platonic friend I have, who I'll call Jay, one of those NMNK who's a PLAYBOY. (I want to avoid the term PLAYER here because it has come to mean PIMP. I'm not talking pimps or prostitution here, I'm talking about promiscuity, which seems to be indulged in for fun, without abusing the lover in any way!)
When you know how Jay lives, loosing his virginity young and never since celibate, often in love but rarely moving a relationship into what he calls "getting stale," you have met the consummate PLAYBOY. I have yet to hear him talk negatively about any of the women he's been involved with though he does LET THEM GO! When he talks about enjoying sex, he talks about how beautiful women are, how good they smell, and how, after an orgasm, he loves to just look into their eyes.
Jay is almost 42 and has never been married and has no known children, despite the fact that he has, for years, had at least four three-month-long relationships a year, and is often sleeping with more than one woman at a time; you'd expect that someone's contraception would have failed by now. He is handsome, charming, talented, and goes through bouts of being penniless, but women don't seem to care. They are willing to pay for dates, buy him presents, and let him share their apartments without paying rent. Those women are PLAYGIRLS too!
To be fair, we have to devote a month to those NMNKs who ARE PLAYBOYS (and PLAYGIRLS) like Jay! These are people who do not seem to be easy come easy go!
Where to start?
It seems that many people, usually in their youth, make PLAY an experience BEFORE finding a life partner or "settling." Many people believe it is only through playing they will meet such a person!
Is Jay a heartbreaker, "in love with love?, a man who "really loves women?" A bum? What about the women he gets involved with, several who have also been honest about being involved with other men at the same time!
We'd like to hear from the PLAYBOYS and PLAYGIRLS out there!
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