

Baby Sussex, a son, unnamed to this point and unshown to the public, is being commented upon in certain news articles as fulfilling a role that the British need, and that is as a royal representative of the biracial (or people of color) population.  Of course, people can't wait to see what he looks like.  Will he look Black?  What will his hair, his eye-color, and his skin color be? 

Fashionable and slim but "no spring chicken,"  Meghan Markle, the Los Angeles born and raised wife of Prince Harry, wanted to do a home birth and was educated and ready for this to be so, but being rather elderly for a first child, the 38 year old woman, a yoga practitioner, likely gave birth in a hospital. Markle, who seems to always be smiling, who always seems to be engaging, is not someone you can even imagine in pain.

Markle, a successful actress, retired that life for being a royal public servant, she and Harry eager to be present for an endless number of engagements having to do with making the world a better place.  Less burdened with protocols than his someday-to-be-King brother, Prince William, the wealthy Sussex's might even decide to have a home in the United States or live in Africa.

The speculation - the people placing bets - on this innocent child's date of birth, name(s), and so on, is what gets to me. It's like betting on horses in a race, dehumanizing.

I can hope that this new person will not feel any need to fulfill the needs of Great Britain just because he was born as he is.

C 2019  Never Married No Kids BlogSpot.

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