Soon after I read about how Millennial are delaying marriage until they have no debt, I heard about a distant family member who got married, age 18, to her boyfriend of less than one year, age 20, kept it a secret, and then continued to live with mom and dad. All hell has broken loose since. First of all, the family feels deceived as this secret is based in economics: as two college students they cannot afford to live independently, not even with house mates, due to the extreme cost of living.
Quizzed further, the two of them seem to be extremely innocent of the fact that now neither of them can be covered on their parent's health insurance. So they both got kicked out of their respective houses because they are now considered liars and manipulators.
I've tried to be the voice of reason and to empathized and understand what would motivate two brilliant college students to do such a thing. Are they truly devious, selfish, or only out to get what they want from others?
Well, I reasoned (and said), "they are in love." Actually I do think this is true.
But what to make of the plotting? It's wrong.
One says that they "knew" that no one would approve of or pay for a wedding, so they thought it best to just go to a JP and this is also why no family member was invited.
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