

This issue was really burning me up this morning.

You're the one who has not had children. Maybe you can't afford it. Maybe you're infertile. Maybe you just never wanted children.

HERE COMES YOUR SOCCER MOM BOSS expecting you to cover for her, make up work for her, stay late for her, so she can go see her son or daughter play. Did you know your job description includes making up lies to her boss about where she is when she's taking an afternoon off to shop at the mall, get her nails done for a party, or running her children to the dentist? Or maybe she has you doing a little extra work running errands that are home and children related for her?

This woman is a business woman. A career woman. Educated. But now that she has children she expects you to UNDERSTAND that her children should come first - well, maybe not first, but a close second. And if you don't want to? If you refuse? Why that would make you downright anti-children, right? Anti-children, UnAmerican, Unnatural.

Think about it.

Have you actually gone to the home of your boss to provide free or low cost CHILD CARE for her?

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