HUFF POST : Sannon Colleary full article ON THE MARKETING OF SEX
EXCERPT: ..." read a fascinating article in the New York Times called "Life Without Sex" by the engaging French author and French Elle editor, Sophie Fontanel. The author took a 12-year hiatus from sexual congress... My first thought when I read this was, "Can you do that? Is that allowed?" he writes, "At the beginning, I kept the fact that I had given up sex a secret, and nobody around me could guess how untouched I was. I knew perfectly well that people accept all kinds of sexual behaviors, just so long as you are doing something with your body."
MYBROTHA ; one Black persons viewpoint of Celibacy as Sexy full article link ON THE ISSUE OF CHILDREN BEING BORN OUT OF WEDLOCK IN THE BLACK COMMUNIT
EXCERPT: "It's sexy because it represents a total commitment to emotional, spiritual and intimate growth, and puts the worries and social pressures to have sex on the backburner. And while many people believe that abstaining from sex is difficult, faith-based dating sites like are dedicated to providing education and support for those who wish to explore celibacy.
With over 70 percent of kids being born out of wedlock, the continued spread of HIV/AIDS, and blacks leading the nation in divorce, BlackCelibacy believes it is important to work on fostering more healthy relationships in the Black community...."
BLACK CELIBACY COM to check out that site, click here!
EXCERPT:"Celibacy is no longer a vexatious condition of religious life. It is now a considered choice individuals are exerting -- those not of the cloth or cloister but choosing nevertheless to gird their loins, test the frontiers of self-restraint and redirect their Eros towards other ends. Let's not forget, Gandhi and Freud did it."
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