

POPULATION CONTROL is a SENSITIVE SUBJECT.  When  you start talking about nations controlling population you enter into discussions that can seem to be about RACIAL, ETHNIC, and RELIGIOUS identity and the people who we think there are too many of.  The truth is that China has achieved population stabilization through forced contraception and abortion, something I don't think most Western women want to have to deal with. In India and China using medical tests to determine which fetus are female and sex selecting for abortion is troubling for us feminists.

FOR US in the West, SELF CONTROL IS THE KEY.   But when we SELF CONTROL and do not bring any children into the world, or just a few, because that is what we can afford, we may become resentful of paying for other people who have many more children than they can afford to receive government benefits!  Let's face it:  It is TRUE!  It may not be politically correct to pick on one ethnic group or religion or another, but you hear it all the time, when you are NOT a member of that other ethnic or religious group.

Those of us who are NMNK are often thought of as the odd because we do not create new families of blood-line relatives.  (Of course most of us are attached to our family of origin somehow.)  Are we odd if we are self responsible, and if the effect of our self responsibility is to influence the worlds resources favorably?  SISTER

C by Sister/ Never Married No Kids Blogspot.  All Rights Reserved including International and Internet Rights

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